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 [Anglais] England

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4 participants


Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 19:42


Count: Enfuego
Contact: ???
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:14

County Palatine of Chester

Count: Ladyjennet
Contact: ???
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:15

County Palatine of Lancaster

Count: Fredregar
Contact: ???
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:16


Count: Miniphoenix
Contact: ???
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:17


Count: Luja
Contact: Silvermane (MSN -
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:17


Count: Gabrielle_
Contact: Salter
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:18


Count: Oariana
Contact: Lexi
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Nombre de messages : 45
Localisation IG : Sur les routes de France, à prendre l'air
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2009 - 23:19


Count: Ownage184
Contact: ???
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeMar 3 Mar 2009 - 22:42

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Nombre de messages : 1
Localisation IG : England, UK
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2009

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeLun 30 Mar 2009 - 0:09

Greetings - I am one of the National Royal Ambassadors. Hopefully I can assist in contacting the English Counts/Countesses (otherwise known as Dukes/Duchesses).

Alexandrinedartois is Chancellor (Head Ambassador) - MSN unknown

Cruzincat is Regent -

longjohnsilver is King - MSN unknown

Signed:~ Sir Wolfmist Pendragon -

Dernière édition par Wolfmist le Lun 30 Mar 2009 - 1:20, édité 1 fois (Raison : Added MSN addresses)
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeLun 30 Mar 2009 - 0:53

you have msn?
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Nombre de messages : 17
Localisation IG : Sur les mers
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2009

[Anglais] England Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Anglais] England   [Anglais] England Icon_minitimeSam 11 Avr 2009 - 14:23

Bourges(AAP)- Interview with the 5th Crown Festival’s organizer

Messire Urbs de Valorl, is the Great Crown’s Festival back ? The previous one happened a long time ago, could you remind us about it ?

Urbs de Valorl : Hello,
The 4th GCF dates back to two and a half year, i twas, indeed, a long time ago. It happened in the County of Limousin-Marche and gathered 350 people from numerous Counties, those who did not attend were few and pointed out. There were people from England, SRING, Aragon and from the Kingdom of France, it lasted two weeks (5550 messages).
After that, I tried to organise the 5th Festival, but it twas postponed due to the conflicts that marked this era, totally ruining the organisation of the Festival.
On top of it, during my long time away, attempts were made, but the flavour of the event was lost, and every one of them failed.
I hope I will be able to re-create this event, this huge and festive fair, this world’s most important gathering of people. Younger people, who were not there for the previous one, look forward to be there after what they heard about the GCF.

AAP : For you, what makes the success of your festival ?

Urbs de Valorl : Good question. *He takes a few moment to think about it* Its simplicity, its organisation, based on events which happened several centuries ago, numerous sport events, everybody defending the reputation of his town, his County.
The GFC allows to behave with respect towards each other and to compete with his neighbours during the events or in the taverns. It is not bound by language difficulties or royal dynasty but thrive to overtake all this. Italian people will be part of it for their first time, as well as dutch and portugueses, to name a few. Beggars, middle-class people, nobles and clerics will be side by side in meetings which will be remembered for some of them, unforgettable for others.
Not only is the GCF a party in which you ended up drunk to hell and stare at the coaches’left door, or to be dressed with frillls. (Of course, taverns are also part of the fun)
But it is a frame, competitions, shows and fun of meeting one another, from his best friends to his worst enemies.
Let me repeat the GCF moto : whatever the victory, let the show be great !
Me being the creator and undisputed ruler allows me to organise such a huge event. Each tent (=topic) is submitted to my personal agreement, which avoids a display of useless tents who would prejudice this “monster”’s clarity. Nothing can be done without my agreement. Like a father or a king in his Kingdom, I keep an eye on the comfort and the well-being of referees, translaters, participating people specially, as well as the security of all these people, all this aristotelician people who came once more to this GCF.

AAP : The GCF will occurr in Bourges, on April 6th, why is that ? And how should Counties prepare for this ?

Urbs de Valorl : First of all, he date is postponed to April 13th to be able to gather more person, a matter of organisation.
The choice of Bourges is due to the dynamism of its Duke, Georgepoilu, since communications between each Counties are now more difficult. County dynamism is essential. The Berry diplomatic network that was disposable was also one more advantage. At last, This Duchy appears to us the more involved and motivated to organise this event. The central location of Berry was also an aspect considered. However, I already have other Counties in mind to welcome the next 6th GCF, particularly the County of Toulouse, but all can change with the dynamism of other counties. We will see which one will be the more involved.
Regarding Counties, they have to show their interest, be dynamic, offer enough people to referee, translate, they must sign the support letter, have a GCF representative on their ground to transmit ads and noting down the enrollments. Enrollments will start on Monday March 30th, from this date on, they have to show what they have to offer, so that the GCF may be organised swiftly.

AAP : To conclude, several Counties are interested by the GCF. Which Counties are dynamic, what do you hope or fear for the event ?

Urbs de Valorl : Several Counties signed the support letter in circulation so that the GCF can be organised for the best in their Counties.
To date, we obtained signatures from Counties of Béarn, Flanders, Franche-Comté, Maine, Poitou, Toulouse, the Duchies of Anjou, Berry, Bourbonnais-Auvergne, Burgundy, Lorraine, Lyonnais-Dauphiné, Normandy, Venice and the Principality of Catalonia.
But there are subsequent contacts about to sign in Steiermark, Austria, Firenze and Genoa. Other Counties still did not hear and answer our call. I must confess we are meeting difficulties to contact English-speaking Counties, once more because of this sea that separate us. I call everyone who can help us contacting them.
The 5th GCF should include several Counties speaking different languages like Italian, Dutch, English or German, Spanish, Portuguese, and catalonian, at least for the time being…
We are still looking for people who wish to be part of this fantastic story of the GCF. Translators, referees, GCF representatives in their Counties as well as people to handle the taverns.
To go back to your question, my fear is a total war, hence the signing of all Counties and Duchy so that peace can be garanteed… I am also discussing with the Aristotelician Church so that they increase it with their spiritual influence.
The 5th GCF should gather 500 participating people from all countries to defend their Counties, their blazon and their gonfalon.
Hopes, I do not wish to have any and, most important, do not have time for this.

What matters is the lively mood of the GCF for every participating people before its success. I do not care about my happiness, but rather yours. I do so with my vassals, my men, and this is one of the reasons of my success, as it is for the GCF…

AAP : One more thing to ad ?

Urbs de Valorl : Come to the GCF, to be part of it, as a referee, as a translator, you will have as much fun as those who were part of it before !

Whatever the victory, let the show be great !

Thomas de Clérel, for the AAP.
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