| Population | |
+16Demons Celestin Finamor Titi04 MacCornell Kanwek anastasie91 Tenebreux LedZeppelin Arwel Margaux_Bussiere geminini bounette Kazami ya Marsaly Seraphina_v 20 participants |
Auteur | Message |
Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mar 25 Fév 2014 - 9:44 | |
| Liste des villageois du 25 février 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Johanara d'Ambroise 255PR Sirbalian de Montbazon-Navailles 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 224PR Tristan_bussiere de Die 164PR Euzen de Montbazon-Navailles Sokrates 88PR Seleys d'Ambroise 84PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 239PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Ilian 255PR Madien 255PR Nathan 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Lediabolo 254PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Jehanraphael 217PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Aruthac 188PR Pouikie 155PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 116PR Marman 114PR Kazami 106PR Phaedra 100PR Nina.. 90PR Amaelle. 88PR Abigail. 76PR Isaline.. 72PR Jouan 69PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Eloan 36PR Titi04 33PR Evest 31PR Ankersmit 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Macliman 22PR Euphrosie 21PR Clodine 20PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 16PR Maggyk 15PR Ocatherine 15PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Manox 6PR Nihila 6PR Aur 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Anzelme 3PR Geminini 3PR Lamya 3PR Louisblo 3PR Zlatan5900 1PR Bloblobob 0PR Bluecats 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Diony 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR Vlasta 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mer 26 Fév 2014 - 7:20 | |
| Liste des villageois du 26 février 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Johanara d'Ambroise 255PR Sirbalian de Montbazon-Navailles 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 224PR Tristan_bussiere de Die 164PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 239PR Mykana du Guildo 213PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Jehanraphael 217PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Aruthac 188PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 116PR Marman 115PR Kazami 106PR Phaedra 101PR Amaelle. 88PR Boparadi 86PR Isaline.. 72PR Jouan 69PR Caraibe5 68PR Yanmax 50PR Appolinne 45PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 33PR Evest 31PR Ankersmit 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Macliman 22PR Euphrosie 21PR Clodine 20PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 16PR Maggyk 16PR Ocatherine 15PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Mist. 7PR Manox 6PR Nihila 6PR Aur 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Geminini 4PR Anzelme 3PR Lamya 3PR Louisblo 3PR Zlatan5900 1PR Bloblobob 0PR Bluecats 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Diony 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR Vlasta 0PR
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Jeu 27 Fév 2014 - 9:17 | |
| Liste des villageois du 27 février 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Geronimo2751 de Gaudemar 255PR Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 224PR Tristan_bussiere de Die 165PR Balvenie de Breton 37PR Kebec du Pic à Glace 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 240PR Mykana du Guildo 213PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Jacochere 255PR Madien 255PR Nesema 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Soleil 255PR L_inconnu 251PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Aruthac 191PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 116PR Pasquinel 116PR Huna 113PR Kazami 106PR Phaedra 102PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Yseut 55PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Evest 31PR Ankersmit 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Clodine 21PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 16PR Maggyk 16PR Ocatherine 15PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Medley 10PR Ombraline 10PR Mist. 7PR Nihila 6PR Tinkerbell 6PR Aur 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Geminini 4PR Anzelme 3PR Louisblo 3PR Zlatan5900 1PR Bloblobob 0PR Bluecats 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Diony 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR Vlasta 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Ven 28 Fév 2014 - 7:14 | |
| Liste des villageois du 28 février 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 224PR Tristan_bussiere de Die 165PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 240PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Nesema 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Soleil 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Aruthac 191PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 117PR Pasquinel 116PR Kazami 106PR Phaedra 102PR Azrell 97PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Evest 31PR Alanor 27PR Ankersmit 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Clodine 21PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Camomille. 18PR Alarielle 17PR Lalacrimm 16PR Maggyk 16PR Ocatherine 15PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Nihila 6PR Tinkerbell 6PR Aur 5PR Geminini 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Louisblo 4PR Anzelme 3PR Zlatan5900 1PR Bloblobob 0PR Bluecats 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Diony 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR Vlasta 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Sam 1 Mar 2014 - 20:07 | |
| Liste des villageois du 01 mars 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 224PR Aelys_de_valreas de Mondragon 112PR Balvenie de Breton 37PR Lora85 de Sinard 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Soleil d'Embrun 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 240PR Arilan 255PR Axelius 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Franberg 255PR Madien 255PR Nesema 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Aruthac 194PR Alidacheep 167PR Tristan_bussiere 166PR Pouikie 155PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 118PR Pasquinel 118PR Kazami 106PR Phaedra 102PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Yseut 55PR Thymotee 50PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Clodine 21PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Maggyk 17PR Lalacrimm 16PR Ocatherine 15PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Nihila 6PR Tinkerbell 6PR Aur 5PR Geminini 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Louisblo 4PR Anzelme 3PR Bloblobob 0PR Bluecats 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Diony 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR Vlasta 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Dim 2 Mar 2014 - 16:52 | |
| Liste des villageois du 02 mars 1462
Brunovonquerfurt de Nîmes (comme les jeans) 255PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 224PR Balvenie de Breton 37PR Ocatherine de Treviere 15PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Soleil d'Embrun 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 241PR Arilan 255PR Arthus_gabriel 255PR Azurea38 255PR Cococcinelle83 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Nesema 255PR Paeins 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 196PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 167PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 121PR Pasquinel 118PR Kazami 107PR Phaedra 102PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Yseut 55PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Clodine 21PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Maggyk 17PR Lalacrimm 16PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Mattheuw 11PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 6PR Nihila 6PR Tinkerbell 6PR Aur 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Louisblo 4PR Anzelme 3PR Bloblobob 0PR Bluecats 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Diony 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR Vlasta 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Lun 3 Mar 2014 - 6:49 | |
| Liste des villageois du 03 mars 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 225PR Rafaelle de Roupil 20PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Soleil d'Embrun 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 241PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 232PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 196PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 168PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 122PR Pasquinel 118PR Kazami 107PR Phaedra 102PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Bartholomey 32PR Helros 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Britneynat 22PR Clodine 22PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Maggyk 17PR Roupil 17PR Lalacrimm 16PR Matis 13PR Cocles 12PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 6PR Nihila 6PR Tinkerbell 6PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Louisblo 4PR Anzelme 3PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mar 4 Mar 2014 - 8:25 | |
| Liste des villageois du 4 mars 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 225PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Soleil d'Embrun 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 242PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 198PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 168PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Pasquinel 119PR Kazami 107PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Clodine 22PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Maggyk 17PR Lalacrimm 16PR Cocles 15PR Matis 13PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 7PR Nihila 6PR Tinkerbell 6PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Louisblo 4PR Anzelme 3PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Pitiviers 0PR
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mer 5 Mar 2014 - 6:41 | |
| Liste des villageois du 5 mars 1462
Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Geronimo2751 de Gaudemar 255PR Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 226PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Soleil d'Embrun 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 242PR Alex.. 255PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Eleanor 255PR Jacochere 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 198PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Angellica 182PR Tristan_bussiere 169PR Tenebreux 144PR Naellys 142PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Pasquinel 119PR Kazami 107PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 34PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Arthur_dulac 30PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Clodine 23PR Katwen 23PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Maggyk 17PR Lalacrimm 16PR Cocles 15PR Matis 13PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Nihila 7PR Tinkerbell 6PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Anzelme 4PR Louisblo 4PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR Serenavanderwoodsen 0PR
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Jeu 6 Mar 2014 - 10:57 | |
| Liste des villageois du 6 mars 1462
Geronimo2751 de Gaudemar 255PR Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 227PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Soleil d'Embrun 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 242PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Jacochere 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 198PR Melding 196PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 170PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Pasquinel 119PR Kazami 108PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 35PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Clodine 24PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 13PR Etiene 12PR Leonnoys 10PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Nihila 7PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Anastasia_st_claire 4PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Ven 7 Mar 2014 - 7:29 | |
| Liste des villageois du 7 mars 1462
Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Arwel de Clerieux 228PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 243PR Eulalie. de Mervault 184PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 199PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 170PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Meomaky 123PR Pasquinel 120PR Kazami 108PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 36PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Clodine 24PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Lamaison 7PR Nihila 7PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Sam 8 Mar 2014 - 8:51 | |
| Liste des villageois du 8 mars 1462
Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Chez M'man et Papoune 245PR Eulalie. de Mervault 184PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Arwel 228PR Aruthac 199PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 170PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Pasquinel 120PR Kazami 109PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Josserand 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 37PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Alanor 27PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Clodine 24PR Patou45 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Euphrosie 21PR Cozima 20PR Camomille. 18PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Dim 9 Mar 2014 - 8:57 | |
| Liste des villageois du 09 mars 1462
Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Arwel de Clérieux 228PR Meomaky de l'Ordre des Roses Noires 124PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Eulalie. de Mervault 184PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Ladyb_ 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Margaux_bussiere 246PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 201PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 170PR Sparvier0 158PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Pasquinel 120PR Kazami 109PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Nobunaga 40PR Titi04 38PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Clodine 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Nihila 8PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 13996 Age : 108 Localisation IG : Valence Date d'inscription : 19/02/2008
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Lun 10 Mar 2014 - 6:59 | |
| Liste des villageois du 10 mars 1462
Yasaelle d'd' Acoma 255PR Arwel de Clérieux 228PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Eulalie. de Mervault 184PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Lunnard 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Rubella 255PR Shinji 255PR Margaux_bussiere 246PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 201PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 170PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Lea931 123PR Marman 123PR Pasquinel 121PR Kazami 110PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Titi04 38PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 24PR Clodine 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Bloblobob 0PR Crystel. 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Dorine. 0PR Irio 0PR Markmout 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mar 11 Mar 2014 - 8:01 | |
| Liste des villageois du 11 mars 1462
Arwel de Clérieux 228PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 247PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 201PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 171PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 124PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 121PR Kazami 111PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Titi04 38PR Bartholomey 32PR Helros 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Bibielle 21PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Irio 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Mer 12 Mar 2014 - 6:53 | |
| Liste des villageois du 12 mars 1462
Arwel de Clérieux 229PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 248PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 202PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 171PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 124PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 123PR Kazami 111PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Titi04 38PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 15PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 8PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Irio 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Jeu 13 Mar 2014 - 8:26 | |
| Liste des villageois du 13 mars 1462
Ellesya de la Louveterie d'Amahir 255PR Arwel de Clérieux 229PR Ndj de Briançon 61PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 249PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Colchique 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Maccornell 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Chewbacca37 242PR Lulue 239PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 204PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 172PR Tenebreux 144PR Ernault 140PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Plectrude 127PR Marman 124PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 123PR Kazami 114PR Gael 112PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Caraibe5 68PR Titi04 39PR Marc 38PR Yvanies_daktom 37PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 24PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 16PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Ombraline 10PR Geminini 9PR Tinkerbell 6PR Anastasia_st_claire 5PR Anzelme 5PR Glorrin 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Irio 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Ven 14 Mar 2014 - 6:45 | |
| Liste des villageois du 14 mars 1462 :
Arwel de Clérieux 229PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 249PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Colchique 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 204PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 174PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 126PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 123PR Kazami 115PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Berenger 70PR Caraibe5 68PR Titi04 39PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 25PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 17PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 16PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Geminini 11PR Ombraline 10PR Anastasia_st_claire 6PR Anzelme 5PR Tinkerbell 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR Tomhe 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Sam 15 Mar 2014 - 11:52 | |
| Liste des villageois du 15 mars 1462 :
June de Céris 255PR Arwel de Clérieux 230PR Nanane.black. , Lady of NorthwOoD 183PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 249PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Colchique 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 207PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 174PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 126PR Lea931 123PR Pasquinel 123PR Kazami 118PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Titi04 39PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 25PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 18PR Maggyk 17PR Cocles 16PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Geminini 11PR Ombraline 10PR Anastasia_st_claire 6PR Anzelme 5PR Tinkerbell 5PR Louisblo 4PR Tomhe 2PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Crystel.. 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Dim 16 Mar 2014 - 11:39 | |
| Liste des villageois du 16 mars 1462
Colchique de Cornillon en Trièves 255PR Arwel de Clérieux 232PR Aldyr de Poils à Plumes 53PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 249PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 233PR Ariane. 231PR Temperance 213PR Aruthac 207PR Yukimura 195PR Shivas 194PR Tristan_bussiere 175PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 126PR Pasquinel 125PR Lea931 123PR Kazami 118PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Nikkita 48PR Titi04 39PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 25PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 18PR Cocles 17PR Maggyk 17PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Geminini 11PR Anastasia_st_claire 7PR Anzelme 6PR Tinkerbell 5PR Louisblo 4PR Tomhe 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Beansidhe 0PR Bella_de_valmont 0PR Christella 0PR Flocon 0PR Fred0 0PR Gunaydin 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 348 Localisation IG : Dié Date d'inscription : 19/11/2013
| Sujet: Re: Population Lun 17 Mar 2014 - 6:51 | |
| Liste des villageois du 17 mars 1462 :
Arwel de Clérieux 234PR Shivas de Reims 194PR Aldyr de Poils à Plumes 53PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 249PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Fraglle 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 234PR Ariane. 231PR Temperance 213PR Aruthac 207PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 176PR Nerea 171PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 127PR Pasquinel 126PR Lea931 123PR Kazami 118PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Guillebert 71PR Nikkita 48PR Titi04 39PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Clodine 25PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Patou45 23PR Cozima 20PR Shanda 20PR Lalacrimm 18PR Cocles 17PR Maggyk 17PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Lamaison 12PR Mattheuw 12PR Geminini 11PR Anastasia_st_claire 7PR Anzelme 6PR Tinkerbell 5PR Louisblo 4PR Tomhe 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Beansidhe 0PR Bella_de_valmont 0PR Christella 0PR Flocon 0PR Fred0 0PR Gunaydin 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR Snowmarion 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mar 18 Mar 2014 - 9:14 | |
| Liste des villageois du 18 mars 1462
Arwel de Clérieux 234PR Shivas de Reims 194PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 250PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Fraglle 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 235PR Ariane. 231PR Temperance 213PR Aruthac 209PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 176PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 128PR Pasquinel 126PR Lea931 123PR Kazami 119PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Titi04 41PR Weylin56 34PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Clodine 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Patou45 23PR Ange56 21PR Cozima 20PR Cocles 18PR Lalacrimm 18PR Maggyk 17PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Geminini 11PR Kevinch 11PR Anastasia_st_claire 8PR Anzelme 6PR Tinkerbell 5PR Tomhe 5PR Louisblo 4PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Snowmarion 1PR Andreia. 0PR Audreey 0PR Beansidhe 0PR Bella_de_valmont 0PR Christella 0PR Flocon 0PR Fred0 0PR Gunaydin 0PR Mickael54 0PR Moulien 0PR Rosilda 0PR
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Mer 19 Mar 2014 - 13:41 | |
| Liste des villageois du 19 mars 1462
Arwel de Clérieux 235PR Mat. de Nîmes 49PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Lebarbar du Lys 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 251PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Fraglle 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 235PR Ariane. 231PR Temperance 213PR Aruthac 209PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 176PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Louloute1995 128PR Marman 128PR Pasquinel 126PR Lea931 123PR Kazami 120PR Phaedra 102PR Manu79 100PR Enguerande59 93PR Isaline.. 72PR Krierien 69PR Titi04 41PR Weylin56 34PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Alanor 27PR Desiree.black. 27PR Clodine 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Solox 24PR Clara. 23PR Katwen 23PR Patou45 23PR Ange56 21PR Cozima 20PR Candle 19PR Lalacrimm 19PR Cocles 18PR Maggyk 18PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Geminini 12PR Anzelme 6PR Tinkerbell 5PR Tomhe 5PR Louisblo 4PR Snowmarion 2PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Beansidhe 0PR Bella_de_valmont 0PR Christella 0PR Flocon 0PR Fred0 0PR Gunaydin 0PR | |
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Nombre de messages : 2140 Localisation IG : Die Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
| Sujet: Re: Population Jeu 20 Mar 2014 - 9:49 | |
| Liste des villageois du 20 mars 1462
Morgana , Lady of Gabrieloo 255PR Arwel de Clérieux 235PR Donasol de Puente la Reina 255PR Marsaly de Bussière 255PR Seraphina_v de Vertefeuille 255PR Margaux_bussiere de Dié 251PR Adryia 255PR Arilan 255PR Azurea38 255PR Damejaja 255PR Dariuss 255PR Dedelagratte 255PR Escu_man 255PR Gabrieloo 255PR Madien 255PR Polux175 255PR Raithuge_authieux 255PR Shinji 255PR Vioreliana. 255PR Yasaelle 255PR Armance_de_chanvigny 235PR Ariane. 231PR Aruthac 213PR Temperance 213PR Yukimura 195PR Tristan_bussiere 176PR Pepin 173PR Tenebreux 144PR Lacorneille 135PR Jaque_de_rien 133PR Marman 128PR Pasquinel 126PR Lea931 123PR Kazami 120PR Phaedra 102PR Enguerande59 93PR Mc_hammer 80PR Merida. 76PR Isaline.. 72PR Titi04 41PR Adibace 36PR Bartholomey 32PR Evest 31PR Clodine 26PR Ferdinande 26PR Britneynat 25PR Solox 24PR Katwen 23PR Patou45 23PR Cozima 20PR Lalacrimm 20PR Cocles 18PR Maggyk 18PR Ferreol_paradis 14PR Etiene 12PR Geminini 12PR Anzelme 6PR Tinkerbell 5PR Tomhe 5PR Christella 4PR Louisblo 4PR Snowmarion 2PR Serenavanderwoodsen 1PR Beansidhe 0PR Bella_de_valmont 0PR Flocon 0PR Fred0 0PR Gunaydin 0PR | |
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Contenu sponsorisé
| Sujet: Re: Population | |
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| Population | |