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 [info] La liste noire du SRING

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 3488
Localisation IG : Dié
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2018

[info] La liste noire du SRING Empty
MessageSujet: [info] La liste noire du SRING   [info] La liste noire du SRING Icon_minitimeMer 12 Juin 2019 - 11:37

Citation :
[info] La liste noire du SRING Banner10
Imperial Blacklist
Update of 22th May 1467 a.D.


  • Amesha
    [Organization responsible of several criminal acts against the Empire and/or its provinces - in BL since 10/12/1464]

  • Mano Nera
    [Organization responsible of several criminal acts against the Empire and/or its provinces - in BL since 10/12/1464]

  • Ordo Negrum Equites (ONE)
    [Organization responsible of several criminal acts against the Empire and/or its provinces - in BL since 10/12/1464]


  • A.g.i.a.s
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - O.N.E. - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Alayla_grehovic
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Aggittoriu
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies, revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466- in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Andrej.
    [Supporter of the brigands "Die Vögel" who stole the treasury of Baden - in BL since 15/02/1466]

  • Anna..
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Annebonny
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda, Invasion of the Neckar 1464, Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the German Fleet - May 1465- Capitain involved in acts of piracy against Genoa, Florence and Modena - October 1466 and March 1467- in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Ansoald
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Anwobo
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Robber and pirate according to the English Kingdom - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Arcanos
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Archibugio
    [Involved in revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 17/10/1466]

  • Arkangelo
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Artair
    [Brigand, chief of "Die Vögel",he stole the treasury of Baden - in BL since 15/02/1466]

  • Asi
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Augustus
    [Supporter of the Amesha Group- in BL since 14/11/1466]

  • Aysun
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Babyface
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • Babyl
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Barbarella
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Berbero
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Billy_batts
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • blackpanther
    [Capitain involved in acts of piracy against Genoa, Florence and Modena March 1467 - in BL since 30/03/1467]

  • Bunny
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the German Fleet - May 1465 - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Buns
    [Member of In Nomine Leonis that built an illegal army and attacked Franche Comté - in BL since March 1467]

  • Cameliane
    [Member of In Nomine Leonis that built an illegal army and attacked Franche Comté - in BL since March 1467]

  • Cap
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Charles_vane
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Suspected member of La Banda - in BL since 1465]

  • Chigi
    [Involved in revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 17/10/1466]

  • Clotiide
    [Anti - imperialist in Florence in December 1464 - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - in BL since 10/12/1464]

  • Colette
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Suspected member of La Banda - in BL since 1465]

  • comolokko
    [Capitain involved in acts of piracy against Genoa, Florence and Modena March 1467 - in BL since 30/03/1467]

  • Danila
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Delmulin
    [Anti - imperialist - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - in BL since 05/08/1465]

  • Don_lisander
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Suspected member of La Banda - in BL since 1465]

  • Ducky80
    [Anti - imperialist - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - in BL since 05/08/1465]

  • Eldarian
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies, revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Eldiabolo
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 21/01/1467]

  • Emeria
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the German Fleet - May 1465 - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Epitaffio
    [Anti - imperialist in Florence in March / April 1465 - Attacked the army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - in BL since 07/03/1465]

  • Eragon1
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Eusebius_
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Eva01
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda, Invasion of the Neckar 1464 - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Ezel
    [Capitain involved in acts of piracy against Genoa, Florence and Modena March 1467 - in BL since 30/03/1467]

  • Filangieri
    [Anti - imperialist in Florence in December 1464. Capitain involved in acts of piracy against the Genoa - October 1466 - in BL since 10/12/1464]

  • Filli
    [Brigand "Die Vögel", stole the treasury of Baden - in BL since 15/02/1466]

  • giuffredo
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Granchio
    [Involved in revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 17/10/1466]

  • Grevius
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of the crew of Morphea - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Gwynnje
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Hel
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda, Invasion of the Neckar 1464 - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Helena.barbossa
    [Capitain involved in acts of piracy against the Genoa, Florence and Modena March 1467 - in BL since 30/03/1467]

  • Hel_
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Henry.hill
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • Hipazion
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Icaro
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • Isabell_caterine
    [Supporter of the brigands "Die Vögel" who stole the treasury of Baden - in BL since 15/02/1466 - in BL since 15/02/1466]

  • IspanicoII
    [Member of the brigands "X legione fenix" that assaut Massa in 22/10/1466- in BL since 22/10/1466]

  • Jenifaelr
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Jesco
    [Supporter of the brigands "Die Vögel" who stole the treasury of Baden - in BL since 15/02/1466]

  • karademir
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Karmat
    [Enemy of the Empire,he stole the treasury of the city and the Archdiocese of Pisa and he burned the florence's treasurein - in BL since 28/12/1466]

  • Keith36
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Attack of the 'Den Leidse Handelaer' in the harbour of Leiden and the Taurus on the Rhine [February 1465] - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Kelel
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Killpig049
    [Anti - imperialist in Florence in December 1464; Anti - imperialist in Florence in March / April 1465; Sinking of the Victoy in the harbour of La Spezia [February 1465] - Capitain involved in acts of piracy against the Genoa, Florence and Modena March 1467- in BL since 07/03/1465]

  • King_x
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda. Sinking of the Horney Widow of Vigfast.leijon [March 1465] - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Kiri
    [Member of In Nomine Leonis that built an illegal army and attacked Franche Comté - in BL since March 1467]

  • Kirran
    [Brigand, stole the treasury of Baden - in BL since 15/02/1466]

  • Klaus.dieter
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • Kriss
    [Supporter of the Amesha Group- in BL since 14/11/1466]

  • Larah_
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Larsa
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Leo...
    [Member of In Nomine Leonis that built an illegal army and attacked Franche Comté - in BL since March 1467]

  • Leonit
    [Robber - Previous Count of Austria, stole money from its own Province - in BL since 11/06/1465]

  • Lobelia
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Louisvi
    [Robber in Holland and in Lorraine- in Black list since 17 september 1466]

  • Luiza_
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Magenoir
    [Member of In Nomine Leonis that built an illegal army and attacked Franche Comté - in BL since March 1467]

  • malo..
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Marcoxxx
    [Anti - imperialist - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 05/08/1465]

  • Maria_abigail
    [Capitain involved in acts of piracy against Genoa, Florence and Modena - October 1466 and March 1467 - in BL since 30/10/1466]

  • Marydair
    [Capitain involved in acts of piracy against Genoa, Florence and Modena March 1467 - in BL since 30/03/1467]

  • Marie_pomeline
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Marzina
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Mavilio
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • miky74
    [Anti - imperialist in Florence in December 1464. Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Sinking of the Victoy in the harbour of La Spezia [February 1465] - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465]- Supporter of the Amesha Group in Genoa October 1466 - in BL since 10/12/1464]

  • Mirka
    [Supporter of the Amesha Group- in BL since 14/11/1466]

  • Mirtillo
    [Involved in revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 17/10/1466]

  • Monsterix
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda, Invasion of the Neckar 1464 and sink of an Empiral Ambassador, Involved in acts of piracy against the German Fleet - May 1465 - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Morphea
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • muslinovic84
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies- revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa September 1466 - in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Nuvolarossa
    [Supporter of the Amesha Group- in BL since 14/11/1466]

  • Oliver
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Pollyanna_
    [Supporter of the Amesha Group- in BL since 14/11/1466]

  • Ranieri_i
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Suspected member of La Banda - in BL since 1465]

  • Robinix
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Salvotorres
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • Sapone
    [Anti - imperialist - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - in BL since 05/08/1465]

  • Spellacocomeri
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • sprunk
    [Involved in revolt in Genoa in September 1466 - in BL since 17/10/1466]

  • Steelers
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Subodei
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - involved in revolt of Nobledupont in Genoa september 1466- in BL since 17/06/1466]

  • Tas
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Thea_
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Theblackwolf
    [Supporter of the Amesha Group- in BL since 14/11/1466]

  • Theolo
    [Member of Terror Mundi Army that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Genoa - in BL since March 1467]

  • Thomas90
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Thomas_cromwell
    [Member of In Nomine Leonis that built an illegal army and attacked Franche Comté - in BL since March 1467]

  • Tommigga
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Torosdraiato
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Vittoriachristine
    [Member of Becchini that looted the Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Vivia
    [Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

  • Voedim
    [Involved in revolt in Genoa in September 1466 - in BL since 17/10/1466]

WATCH LIST (People from the Black list in absent mode for long time or monitored)

  • Albatwo
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of La Banda - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Bajann
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Sinking od the Bianconiglio on 26/03/1465 - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Beowolf_dracul
    [Robber - Member of the group of Leonit who stole money from Austria - in BL since 11/06/1465]

  • Citorio_impera
    [Anti - imperialist - Attacked the florentian army Viribus Unitis in Piombino [August 1465] - in BL since 05/08/1465]

  • Hogarstrasni
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of ONE - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Mistic
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Member of the crew of Morphea - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Temistokle
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - in BL since 04/06/1465]

  • Yucelahmet
    [Capitain or sailor involved in acts of piracy against the Empire or its allies - Sinking of the Styrian Ship Black Opium - in BL since 04/06/1465]

Added to the Blacklist

Removed from the Blacklist or WL


[info] La liste noire du SRING BGeXZnw

[info] La liste noire du SRING Imperialmarshal

[info] La liste noire du SRING QjIN5Lz
Aislinn Borgia della Gherardesca
Imperial Regent

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Nombre de messages : 3488
Localisation IG : Dié
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2018

[info] La liste noire du SRING Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [info] La liste noire du SRING   [info] La liste noire du SRING Icon_minitimeMer 12 Juin 2019 - 11:39

Citation :
[Member of helvetian group that built an illegal army and attacked Duchy of Milano - in BL since 15/08/1466]

Il a mal tourné notre guetteur.

Bref, nous avons reçu ça au Conseil des Grands Feudataires. Vu notre proximité avec celui-ci mais aussi avec la Helvétie, je remonte l'information.
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Nombre de messages : 7791
Localisation IG : Montél'
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2012

[info] La liste noire du SRING Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [info] La liste noire du SRING   [info] La liste noire du SRING Icon_minitimeVen 14 Juin 2019 - 23:35

Mon Dieu ! Fatum est même pas listé. D'ailleurs cela confirme une information que j'avais : les Fatums ont interdiction sur ordre de leur chef d'attaquer :

- l'empire
- le Berry
- l'Anjou
- la Bretagne
- les Flandres
- l'Artois

S'est déroulé dernièrement le tournoi de Genève délocalisé en Flandres. L'organisateur en est un conseiller flamand du nom de .... Jkeok

- maire de Reims qui a livré sa ville à l'Eldorado 1461
- pardonné
-  maire de Dijon ayant livré sa ville lors de l'épisode Gray - Diazolie 1464
- attaque la ville de Lyon dans les armées Fatum 1465
- ennemi de la couronne
- grâcié 1466
- conseiller ducal de Flandres, maire de Dunkerque, organise le tournoi de brigandage 1467
- aurait proposé à des membres du Fatum de les aider à piller les Flandres

Mais ce type qui a tout trahi s'est gravement pris de bec ave eux et a menacé une femme et son bébé de mort sans compter des insultes insoutenables devant témoins. Résultat : ils attaquent sa ville de Dunkerque. Les Fatums sortent de la ville ... sans rien piller .... mais profitent des procès pour lâcher le morceau. Entretemps ils se sont fait taper sur les doigts d'avoir attaqué l'hôte du tournoi et les Flandres, territoire intouchable selon le chef de Fatum. Il en résulte un procès public que je vais prendre plaisir à suivre car ce Jkeok durant le siège de Lyon m'a traitée de tous les noms d'une vulgarité infecte et je lui souhaite mille morts. Un gars qui trahi 3 fois ainsi et chaque fois rentre en grâce c'est énorme quand même que certains s'y laissent prendre.

Ceci dit pour l'anecdote surtout mais quand même .... Je m'interroge sur ces fameux territoires que les brigands ne doivent pas toucher. Cela conforte  le fait qu'ils respectent encore les fameux traités avec l'empire francophone et bon passe encore pour l'artois ou le berry, mais les Flandres ...... pourquoi ? Et l'Empire tout entier aussi .... pourquoi ?
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MessageSujet: Re: [info] La liste noire du SRING   [info] La liste noire du SRING Icon_minitime

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[info] La liste noire du SRING
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