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 Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)

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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeVen 10 Avr 2009 - 1:16

Qui est motivé!! Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeSam 11 Avr 2009 - 8:46

[HRP] Merci aux censeurs de ne pas bloquer ou effacer ces affiches avant la fin du 5e GFC. Il y a des inscriptions à la suite de cette annonce.[/HRP]

Citation :
Greetings to all,

Gentle Damsels, Dear Ladies and Honoured Gentlemen,

The fifth Grand Festival of the Crown will be held in the city of Bourges. It will start on April the 20th 1457 and will last for a fortnight. If there are a great number of participants, the organising team will prolong the duration of the event.

The Grand Festival of the Crown continues on its way to success and maintains the same spirit as before. The number of participants and provinces is getting greater and greater so the Festival opens up to people who speak another language, in order to allow each and everyone of you to represent their Province or their Town.

The motto of the GFC is the following one: "Never mind the Victory, as long as the spectacle shown in a beautiful one!"

All the English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Catalonian, Spanish, Portuguese and Greek speaking provinces are hereby invited.

Each participating province has signed a participation and support letter in favour of the GFC, engaging itself to ensure success and a large number of participants in each event.

The contestants of the participating Provinces will give their name to the responsible of each discipline to which they would like to participate and they will do so before April 19th, 23h50.

Numerous festivities will be held during those days and we hope they will be as memorable as the past GFC.

The present message will be repeated in each gargotte and hall in order to improve the amount of inscriptions.

The rules and the link to the exact emplacement will be posted afterwards.

Info: there will be 40 provinces, and between 500 and 1000 participants.

Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Glass-of-wine

    The program:

The different events of this fifth Grand Festival of the Crown are the following ones:

Joust tournament (Responsable:Morkar)

5 fearless and courageous knights will represent their province in this interduchy joust! (and one replacment)

Duel with the sword (Responsable: Ceseargl et Loo Oriane)

Each Province will be represented by two swordsmen.

Archery contest (Responsable:Argael, Nynaeve87)

Each village will be allowed to send one representative in this discipline.

Fighting with the sticks (Responsible person: Adrienne)

Each village will be allowed to send one representative in this discipline.

Throwing of the axe/b] [b](Responsible persons: Argael, xyphos)

Each village will be allowed to send three representatives in this discipline.

Soule matches between duchies will be organised. (Responsible persons Communard, Nsaymar) (Responsable: Communard, Nsaymar)

The inscriptions of the Soule teams of the duchies should be sent to Communard, Nsaymar and above all on the Soule forum:

A stand of the artists of the Kingdom

An exhibition of paintings and a contest
Numerous and various artists will be invited to participate to the Festival.
(Presentation of the various graphic designs)

The subject of the contest will be the making of an artwork representing the immensity of the GFC.

A banner exhibition and a banner contest
The subject of the contest will be the making of the prettiest banner of a man and his son.

A great atmosphereAnnonce du GFC (version anglaise) Notes1

The responsible person is Rosa

The troubadours
In order to brighten op the banquets, we will gladly welcome any minstrel. They will have to decline their name to

The Storytellers
The storytellers will entertain a great number of people.

the rules to participate

- A coordinator of your Province of the Grand Festival of the Crown will ensure the placing of the present message in each gargotte and hall in order to tally and motivate the candidates and to obtain the approval of the Duke, the Count or the Regent for the participants of their duchy.

There may be at most:
- For each duchy/county their will be at maximum 5 jousters + 1 replacement, 2 swordsmen, one Soule team.
- 3 axe throwers, two stick fighters and two bowmen.

- Concerning the banners and the paintings, please present your works at the foreseen stand during the GFC.
- The storytellers, minstrels and musical groups should announce themselves to Rosa.

Security rules

- This Festival will be held on a field which will be defined with the help of yellow and blue posts. There will be two entry gates to the field.

- The prevention of troubles and the security of the Festival will be ensured by the army of the Berry and the police of Bourges.

- Only the members of the Security Forces of the Grand Festival and those who possess a weapon permit delivered by Urbs de Valorl will be allowed to carry a weapon.
- A tent where you will be able to deposit your weapons before entering the Grand Festival will be at your disposal.
- In order to avoid any fraud, the equipment of each event will be distributed by the council of the Duchy.

The team members of the Grand Festival of the Crown will reserve themselves the right to change the present announcement and also the rules in order to ensure a decent execution of the Festival.
The persons who would like to umpire the different disciplines will have to report to the directors and the joint director.

    Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Bell-2s Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Fr-berry-flag1 In the Province of BerryAnnonce du GFC (version anglaise) Fr-berry-flag1 Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Bell-2s


Urbs de Valorl, Director of the Grand Festival of the Crown, Charles de Valorl, coordination master, Ceseargl, umpire master, Arielle de Gilraen de Dé joint director, Numalane, Ceseargl, Arielle_de_Siorac, translation master,

Director’s Note: any attempt of usurpation, appropriation, exploitation and copy of the name will be severely and eternally punished by the Creator of the GFC
Twisted Evil
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeSam 11 Avr 2009 - 8:55

Citation :
Fighting with a stick (each village may have 2 players)
Every village of a participating Duchy will be able to send 2 fighters who will represent the village at the Grand Festival of the Crown

One against one, for instance:
The city of Compiègne against the city of Avranches.
The winner of the contest will be the one who will have obtained the most points with 3 blows.
The contestants will wear a protecting gear in order not to be wounded.
The rules are based on the same model as for the jousts.

The organizers will chose series of three numbers between 0 and 9 before each combat phase.
Each participant will give his own series of three numbers between 0 and 9 to the umpire.
The sum of the two series will then be made allowing to know the result on the location table and also the number of points scored.

Location table:

0 - The opponent as been smashed to the ground and the stick has been broken! = 4 points.
1 - The blow has missed its target.
2 - The opponent has been hit in the stomach, the stick is intact = 2 points.
3 - Miss !!!
4 - The arm of the opponent has been hit, the stick is intact = 1 point.
5 - The legs of the opponent has been hit, the stick has been broken = 2 points.
6 - Slightly touched!!
7 - The head of the opponent has been hit, the stick has been broken = 3 points.
8 - Tired?!
9 - The opponent as been smashed to the ground, the stick is intact = 3 points.

The points should be sent to Adrienne
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeDim 12 Avr 2009 - 22:45

Citation :
Throwing the axes (3 players per village)

This event is generally considered to be a team event, each team having 3 players per village.

The player who throws is confronted to the distance to the target and must decide if he wishes to make a long throw or a short one. He is also confronted to the power of the throw he wants to make and, according to the target he aims for, if he wants to make a powerfull throw or a more subtle one.

A value has been given to Distance and Power. So you have to choose a distance (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10) and a Power (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10)

The values for D1 to D10 are the following ones: 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; 100
The same values have been allocated to P1 to P10.

At the beginning of his first throw, each player must send his serie of numbers.
After that, the umpires will randomly allocate a value to the software. (We cannot collect thousands of data’s)
The throws will be asked in the final phase.
First player of MUNICH
1st throw = D4 / P7
2nd throw = D10 / P1
3rd throw = D8 / P2

Example and explanations:
D4 is good for 50 points and P7 = 20 points ----- ---------------TOTAL 1st throw = 70
D10 and P1 are respectively good for 20 and 70 points --------TOTAL 2nd throw = 90
D8 et P2 are respectively good for 100 and 10 points --------TOTAL 3rd throw = 110
This first player has gathered a total of 270 points for his village. I’ll do the same for the second player and the last one.

For the teams counting two players, only one supplementary throw is allowed.
If there is only one player, he is granted two more throws.
So: 9 throws for a team of 3 players; 7 throws for a team of 2 players and 5 throws for one player.

The format for the values has sent:

Name/Town/Duchy: Du/Pv Dw/Px Dy/Pz

(u, v, w, x, y, z= value from de 1 to 10)

To Argael and xyphos
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeDim 12 Avr 2009 - 23:26

Citation :
Archery contest: (2 players per village)

Oyez, Oyez, ye Bowmen!

Each village has the opportunity to present two of its finest archers!

Once again, the festivities of the fifth Grand Festival of the Crown will allow our finest archers to confront their skills!

Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Cible

Here are the rules that will be used for this new edition:


Large groups will be constituted in order to allow the best archers of each group to qualify for the final!

Each archer will appear on the archery field and will shoot ONE series of SIX arrows.
Each player will then have three attempts to prove his skills and to qualify for the second round.

The rest of the tournament consists of a series of duels (one against one).
During each duel, each of the archers will be allowed to shoot One series of SIX arrows.
This playing mode will continue until the final.


The members of the jury for this tournament are Nynaeve 87 and Argael.
During this tournament, only the members of the jury will be considered competent to judge the results and to take a decision if a dispute should arise. Urbs will decide in last request

The archery list can be found here

You will have to use the ‘Tournament’ mode.
Each archer will have to give 1 result per round and present the target of his SIXTH arrow, or else the result will not be validated.

How to post an image:
1- Push PrtSc or Impr écran (upper right of the keyboard)
2- Open Paint or any other drawing or picture software
3- Select "Paste"
4- Save the file
6- Save the file (must not be more than 1 024ko)
7- Copy the link and put on the subjet as shown… do not forget the beacons Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)  et

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Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeDim 12 Avr 2009 - 23:34

Citation :
The duel with the sword (2 players per province)

Playing mode:
The duel will go as follows.
RP: Each duellist will be wearing heavy armour and will join the lice where he will be given a blunt two handed sword. He will not have a shield to protect himself. Each on turn, the duellists will attack their opponent and try to hit him. When each player has made three attacks, the player who will have shown the greatest fighting spirit will be declared winner.
HRP: before each fight, the umpire will randomly choose a series of 3 numbers between 0 and 9. Each player will give his own series of 3 numbers from 0 à 9 to the umpire.
The sum of the two series (umpire +duellist) will then give the final score which will be compared to the location table in order to know the result and the number of points scored. The winner of the contest will be the player who has scored the greatest number of points.

Location table:
0 - The head of the opponent has been hit, he falls to the ground = 4 points.
1 - Missed by a mile.
2 - The opponent has endured a hit to the stomach = 2 points.
3 - Missed !!!
4 - The opponent has endured a hit to the arm = 1 point.
5 - Slightly hit, blow does not count.
6 - The hit has been countered
7 - The opponent has endured a hit to the legs = 2 points.
8 - Tired?!
9 - The head of the opponent has been hit = 3 points.

Exemple :
Knight "Blackadder" mentions the following series: 2, 5 and 9.
The series of the umpire is: 0, 8, 6.
Thus, the final serial is: 2 (2+0), 4 (5+8=13=1+3=4) and 6 (9+6=15=1+5=6).
In our example, Knight "Blackadder" has hit his opponent to the stomach (2 pts), then to the arme (1 pt) and has finally missed him on his final attempts. He gathers a total of Il marque au total 3 points. Can do better...

The numbers should be sent to Ceseargl and Victoire Loo Oriane
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Nombre de messages : 1392
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeLun 13 Avr 2009 - 0:44

Citation :
The Joust Tournament of the Grand Festival of the Crown (5 jousters+ 1 substitute/province)

« Never mind the Victory, as long as the spectacle shown is a beautiful one!! »

Oyez, Oyez

Noble Damsels and Ladies, Valiant Courageous Sirs of all Provinces,

Just like during the precedent editions, you will be given the opportunity to defend the colours of ye Province during this present Grand Festival of the Crown


In order to participate to the joust, you must be a Noble person recorded on the lists of the Heraldry or be a member of a known Chivalry Order.

To valid their inscription, a jouster will have to transmit his Coat of Arms and his references [characteristics] to the umpire who report the event.
The jousters defending the colours of a Lady are invited to signal the fact upon their registration form if they wish this fact to be known

Each participating duchy will be represented by a team of 5 jousters and by one substitute. Indeed, a jouster might be hurt during this event and every injury must be taken into account.
The way the Duchys and the Counties choose their team members is entirely free.

The umpire storyteller for this event is My Lord Morkar


The gameplay of the joust is very simple: Two knights on a horse, separated by a barrier (lice), are riding towards each other in an attempt to dismount their opponent.
During the joust, the aim was not to kill the opponent, but merely to break and crush a lance against him in order to make him fall of his horse. To make it easier, the lances used during the tournament were very breakable and were made of fir wood instead of ash wood... Nevertheless, each broken lance can be the cause of a more or less severe injury.
Three lances were used during each run, which means that a jouster will have to face his opponent three times in a row in order to determine the winner.

The winner of the run is the jouster who will be the first to dismount his opponent
In the case of simultaneous falls, the number of broken lances will be taken into account in order to determine the winner. In case of a draw, the jousters will have to face themselves one mort time.
In the end, if no fall allows us to separate the jousters, the winner or the draw will be determined by the number of broken lances.

As it is a team event, the winning team will be determined after the third run of the joust in progress.
First of all, if every run has designated a winner, the team who has got the most victories will be declared the winning team.
In case of a draw, the number of broken lances will be taken into account.
In case of a new draw, the last jousters who made the run will meet again and again till a winner has been designated.
Every team should wisely determine the order of appearance of the jousters…

Will receive a price:
- The team who will win the final Grand Joust will receive the Trophy of the Grand Festival
- The best jousters (those who will have dismounted many opponents) and also the most skilful ones (most broken lances).
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Date d'inscription : 02/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce du GFC (version anglaise)   Annonce du GFC (version anglaise) Icon_minitimeLun 13 Avr 2009 - 0:58

Citation :

For those who want to know more:

Characteristics and Competence

All the characteristics [intelligence (INT), Force (FOR) and Charisma (CHA)] will be used plus a new Competence called Experience

Intelligence, Force and Charisma will have the following impacts:

  • between 0 and 50 = no bonus
  • between 51 and 100 = bonus 1
  • between 101 and 200 = bonus 2
  • above 201 = bonus 3

The Experience will have the following impact (and will be added to the bonus of each characteristic)
  • * First joust = no bonus
  • Between 1 and 5 jousts = bonus 1
  • Between 6 and 10 jousts= bonus 2
  • More than 11 jousts = bonus 3

Example: A player has got [INT= 101; FOR= 232; CHA=154 and has already participated to 2 joust tournaments]. This will give him the following bonuses
: INT = 2 + 1 = 3; FOR = 3 + 1 = 4; CHA = 2 + 1 = 3

Resolutions :

All the resolutions are made with the help of a D12. The throwing of the dice happens for the two players at the same time, for their actions are done simultaneously

The holding of the lance (the accuracy of the aim), The Power of the Hit, the way the player stays on his saddle and also the possible wounds

The holding of the Lance and the accuracy of the aim are ruled by the intelligence characteristic (INT)
The score of the D12 is added to “INT + bonus”, which gives us the following:
The result is lower or equal to 10: failure, the lance missed its target
The result is higher than 10: good aim and handling and the lance will touch the opponent

The power of the hit allows us to determine if a touching lance breaks, or even throws the opponent of his horse. This action is ruled by the Force characteristic (FOR)
The score of the D12 is added to “FOR + bonus”, which gives us the following:

The result is lower or equal to 7: the lance does not break but the opponent must throw in order to test how well he stays in the saddle, no risk of an injury

The result is 8 till 14: the lance breaks, the opponent must test to see how well (or equals 14) he stays in the saddle and check for an eventual injury

The result is higher than 14: the lance breaks, the fall of the opponent is inevitable and he must test for an eventual injury

The way the player stays in the saddle. This depends on the capacity of the jouster to be one with his horse, so the CHA shall be taken into account
The score of the D12 is added to “CHA + bonus”, which gives us the following:

The result is lower or equal to 10: failure and fall
The result is higher than 10: the player stays very well in the saddle

For those who play a RP, here are some supplementary indications in order to determine the health of your character:

When a lance breaks against à jouster, we have to test in order to see if the player sustains an injury. To do so, we have to check the difference between the power of the hit and the resistance of the player who has been hit. So, the Force shall be taken into account
We calculate the difference between the result of the Power of the Hit that has been given and that of a D12 added to the FOR + bonus of the player who resists

The result is lower or equal to 7: the player who has been hit suffers no injury
The result is 8 till 10: the player who has been hit suffers a light injury. 1 unit shall be withdrawn at the next dice throw (the injuries can be added on)

The result is 11 till 13: the player who has been hit suffers à medium injury. 2 units shall be withdrawn at the next dice throw (the injuries can be added on)

The result equals or is higher than 14: The player who has been hit must abandon the jousting competition. The injury is severe and can cause some unavailability.

The effect of an injury is immediately applied after the scene where the hit happened. Once the injury has been accepted, the place where the injury has been suffered is chosen, with à D20.

1-3 Leg, knee, foot, ham
4-7 Hip, thigh, buttock
8-9 stomach, kidney
10-12 Chest, back
13-14 Forearm, hand, elbow
15-18 Shoulder, arm, shoulder
19-20 Head, throat, nape of the neck

The severity of the injury, determined by the preceding Wound drawing, has the following impacts for the injured player. It is important to know that an severe injury is healed by becoming a minor injury and may impose some modifications or even an unavailability upon the player:

Minor: -1 for a week
Medium: -2 for two weeks, then the wound becomes a minor wound, so we add -1 for another week
Severe: unavailable for 4 weeks, becomes a medium one, -2 for the two following weeks, alters into a minor wound so -1 for another week which gives us a total of 7 weeks

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